For six years, this painting company has serviced clients in the Sioux Empire from an affordable rural location. Utilizing established relationships with contractors, 90% of revenues come from the commercial sector. Primary services include:
- interior and exterior finishes
- remodeling projects and new construction

No need to start from scratch on your path to ownership. $1.2mm in contracted work for 2024. All marketing, branding, website, software, contract forms, customer lists, vendor relationships, collection processes, and equipment are all in place, which gives the new owner the luxury to concentrate on further growing this business.

*SBA Financing is available to a qualified buyer -- $75,000 down and you’ll hit the ground running with this opportunity! Earn a steady income in a growing nearby community with $2 billion in recent building permits.

Listing ID: 54056

Industry: Service

Sunbelt Office: South Dakota

Listing Agent: Jill TenHaken

Business Price: $600,000

Down Payment: $75,000*

Revenue: $769,166

Cash Flow: $205,073

Years in Business: 5+ Years

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